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Hacienda Merlot - California

Label Hacienda

Type of Wine Merlot

Country United States

Country Region California



Hacienda Merlot is a ruby-colored wine. The wine has hints of blueberry, raspberry, and cherry on the nose. On the palate, berries and fresh fruit are present with hints of vanilla, ending with a smooth finish.

Technical Sheet for Merlotjohn

Shelftalker for Merlot

Meet John Allbaugh, Winemaker (Pictured)

A native Californian, John graduated from California State University Stanislaus with a degree in Chemistry. After graduation, John took extensive viticultural and enology courses at UC Davis. John started making wine in 2005 and his talent quickly propelled him to Director of Winemaking at Bronco Wine Company.

Explore Hacienda

Bronco Wine Company Website