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Pedroncelli Rose of Zinfandel - Dry Creek Valley


Type of Wine sparkling


Country Region



Bright aromas of strawberry, orange, rose petals, and spice. Full flavors of candied raspberry and cherry with a hint of white pepper spice. Refreshing, clean and crisp with a delicate berryspice finish.

Technical Sheet for Rose of Zinfandelreece

Shelftalker for Rose of Zinfandel

Wine Spectator Rating for Rose of Zinfandel 2017

Meet Montse Reece - Winemaker (Pictured)

Explore Pedroncelli

Pedroncelli Website

Pedroncelli lost a member of the winery team in 2015:

John Pedroncelli, Senior Winemaker, 1925-2015 

John began his winemaking career as a child working side by side with his father, John Sr. learning from the ground up.  After World War II and his service in the US Coast Guard, he graduated from Santa Rosa Junior College and then attended many winemaking classes at University of California at Davis.  John's style is Pedroncelli's style-wines that are flavorful and balanced to reflect the region's characteristics-he allows the wines to speak for themselves. (John - on right- pictured brother Jim)pedroncelli brothers